Flags, flags, flags…
We all know and love a good flag, but when it comes to choosing a flag style it can be overwhelming trying to discern which style is best suited for the purpose you require.
Perhaps you are just after a promotional flag to promote your new store?
Perhaps your local sports club is after some flags to mark their sports fields?
Or perhaps you are just a passionate and patriotic supporter of your favourite sports team and are after a flag to fly with pride?
Whatever it is, flags can serve as a fun, important and eye-catching way to send or receive a message. However, it is important to choose the correct flag to ensure that:
A) You get the most out of your flag
B) It serves the function you require for your intended purpose
C) You can fly it with pride! (Duh – of course!)
Let’s start with re-capping what flag styles there are:
Okay, now that we are familiar with the various styles of flags, let’s dive into more detail about when, where and why you should use each style. Because, let’s face it… they all have an ideal purpose.
BOW BANNER A Bow Banner is ideal for flags that have more content or text on them, as there is more real estate to accommodate wordier messages. Use Suggestions: Mark sports fields, promote your business message at events, functions, markets or expos, School House Flags, Directional Signs
TEARDROP FLAG Teardrop flags are ideal for promoting your logo or imagery. As these promotional flags don’t have as much real estate as the bow flags they aren’t as desirable for longer pieces of text, but perfect for logos! Use Suggestions: Logo Visibility at events, functions or markets, location markers to attract attention
RECTANGLE FLAG Rectangle Flags are great for blocks of imagery or text. These advertising flags have a significant amount of real estate to fill and can be really helpful for visibility and higher volumes of content Use Suggestions: Promoting products or services at events, lining walkways or streets
POLE FLAG Pole flags are commonly used as 'street flags' or ‘country flags’ and are often hung in important, official or high visibility areas. These flags are generally printed with special finishing to accommodate attachments to official flag poles. They can also be used by councils or governments to display seasonal events or promotions in the streets. Use Suggestions: Displaying Country Flag at important locations, Displaying seasonal events or promotions on pole flags lining a street
SUPPORTER FLAG Supporter flags are as simple as they sound… they are generally flags that are printed with a club, team or message that shows support for something. These flags can be designed with a pocket to accommodate a dowel flag pole, OR, they can simply be designed for you to hold at events Use Suggestions: Sports team flags, Country Flags
HAND FLAG Hand flags also sound relatively self-explanatory… These are generally smaller flags that come with a small stick that the flag is attached to and are often used to wave around at events or functions. Custom hand flags are easy to use and are great for supporting a team or at a fundraiser. Use Suggestions: Sports team hand flags, branded promotional flags
POS FLAG Point of Sale flags are generally used in the retail or hospitality industry to display on shop fronts. Use Suggestions: Open or Closed Flag, Logo or Branding to indicate where the store is, Promote seasonal promotions or sales
SIGNBOARD FLAG Signboard flags are used by Real Estate Agents to indicate Open Homes or Auctions. These real estate flags generally attach to a signboard to attract attention. Use Suggestions: Open Home, Auction, For Lease, Real Estate Agency Branding or contact details
BANNERETTE Bannerette’s are more of a ‘banner’ style flag that can often be found at formal events hanging on lecterns or podiums. These banners generally display a logo or coat of arms and are a more ‘regal’ and formal style of flag. They usually come with a top bar, string to hang the bannerette and tassel trim along the bottom. Use Suggestions: Lectern Banner for an awards evening, Podium Banner for a special occasion, School Bannerette to display the coat of arms
And, there we have it… all the promotional flags and when, where and how to use them!
We hope this helps you make the best possible decision for your next flag purchase.
And remember, at the end of the day there is no indisputable right or wrong. Ultimately, it is your flag and you can choose to use it how you like. As long as you are happy with it – that is the main thing!
This guide is just designed to assist you in your decision making process, because we want to ensure you are happy with the product you receive.
Happy flag shopping!